Monday, August 26, 2013

Our State Flag - Did You Know!

I was born here in Missouri, and I love this state.  I have lived elsewhere many times in my life so I can compare our state to some others with a degree of certainty most folks may not have.  We are truly blessed with everything a state could want here in Missouri.  We have plenty of water in our rivers, streams and creeks.  We have plenty of game in our woods.  We have a great variety of trees in our backyards, parks and forests.  And we have four true seasons so as to see the great circle of life unfold every year before our eyes.  We have large cities and some beautiful historic small towns.

One thing I've always admired is our Missouri state flag, it's really quite beautiful compared to other states.  Do you know all the wondrous symbols that our state flags has within it's red, white and blue colorful stripes?  What they mean?  Who came up with this simplistic yet complex design? Here's a little bit about our state flag and what it historically represents.

The Missouri State Flag

A design by Marie Elizabeth Watkins Oliver was adopted as the official Missouri State Flag on March 22, 1913; almost 92 years after Missouri became the 24th State to join the union.

This design was for a rectangular flag, consisting of three horizontal red, white and blue stripes. These stripes represent valor, purity and vigilance and justice. A circle is centered on the flag surrounded by a band of blue enclosing the Missouri Coat of Arms on a white background. The blue band displays 24 white five-pointed stars representing Missouri as the 24th State.

The shield of the Missouri Coat of Arms shows, on the right, a Bald Eagle grasping the olive branches of peace and the arrows of war in its talons. This represents the strength and powers of the Federal Government. On the left side of the shield (the state side) are a grizzly bear and a crescent moon. The grizzly bear symbolizes the strength and bravery of the citizens of the State. The crescent moon symbolizes the State of Missouri at the time of its induction into the union; a State with a small population and wealth and huge potential. The crescent moon also symbolizes the "second son." Missouri was the second State to be carved from the territory acquired with the Louisiana Purchase. The shield is encircled by a belt inscribed "United we stand, divided we fall" indicating the advantage of the union of the United States.

Two more grizzly bears, one on each side of the shield, echo the bravery and strength of the State's citizens. They are standing on a scroll displaying the Missouri State Motto, Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto (Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law). Below the scroll are the Roman Numerals for 1820, the year that Missouri became a member of the United States.

Above the shield a helmet is depicted, representing Missouri as a sovereign State. A large star surrounded by 23 smaller stars signifies Missouri's status as the 24th State. A cloud around the large star represents the difficulties that Missouri endured on its way to Statehood.

- Missouri Historical Society 


  1. Thanks for the in-site of our state flag. I did not know some of the info on it.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Your welcome, as you can see by this article I love Missouri and have a deep regard for it's history. Thanks for taking the time to comment.


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