Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I Love My Bank!

I'm sure we have all seen the commercials that were airing on local TV channels a few months back with banking customers each saying how much they "Loved their Bank".  Well, at the time I didn't put much stock into the idea anyone would love their bank.  To me, banks were these large institutions that took your money and gave you grief and usually it was more grief than interest.

A couple of weeks ago I started doing business with Eagle Bank and Trust right here in Hillsboro. Y'all know the place, right there at the main intersection in town.  That's where I met Donna Kohl and Marcia Sullivan, what a difference they made in my banking experience. Now, I'm confident that my business: Blue Marlin Computer Services (yes, that was a shameless plug) is doing business at the right bank.  So, a BIG SHOUT OUT to Donna and Marcia and all the fine folks at the Eagle Bank and Trust for taking the time to make me (and my business) feel comfortable and guiding me through the banking hurdles.

So, if you want to feel comfortable with who's holding on to your money, and you want to do business with people that will know and respect you when you walk in the door, give the folks down at Eagle Bank a try.  I'm confident like me, you'll feel they appreciate your business.

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