Friday, September 13, 2013

Venerable Law Firm Enjoys Their New Digs

I had the opportunity to speak with Elizabeth Miller (Liz) over at Kramer and Hand, LLC. recently. We had a nice long chat about the move from Maple Street to their new location at 428 Vreeland.

Something I did not know was; one of the firm's matriarchs Alice Kramer was the first women to start and maintain a law practice in Jefferson County.  Alice Kramer partnered with Julianne Hand in 2000 to establish Kramer & Hand LLC.  Now, they've grown to four partners and two associates with Kourtney Lamb, Sarah Burton Partney, Lauren Drummond and Erik Papke rounding out the legal team.  Add three more support staff and one might think that building may get pretty crowded, but Liz assures me they love it and have plenty of room for a glass-walled conference room, large kitchen and beautiful reception area.

Liz is the Office Manager for the firm and despite a few glitches after the move; managed to switch the firm to new HD VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) phones, a new internet carrier and implement an environmentally safe paper products purchasing plan (say that 3 times, quickly).  The fact that Hillsboro does recycling is not lost on a firm that helps people and the environment.  And I love what they have done with the building.  It's so, Hillsboro chic.

One thing I'm learning more of, as I dig around Hillsboro for new posts for the Hillsboro Today blog, the folks that live here, love it here.  I could tell from speaking with Liz that she is very happy living on her acreage just outside town, and the folks at Kramer and Hand are very happy with their new digs.  It's like I told Liz, it's a great location.  The attorneys can hit Cool Beans on the way to the courthouse and if things go well (or not) the Mexican restaurant for Margaritas on the way back.  You gotta love Hillsboro.

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